Derek’s quest was to find the right people as Trustees for Oliver land to ensure that his and Jeannie’s wishes and instructions would be carried out exactly as they desired. One of these was to make sure all of his and Jeannie's personal papers, diaries and photographs be given to one of the Trustees of The Minack Chronicles Nature Trust, in order that they be destroyed whilst their possessions were to be sold. It was at the David Lay Auction House that a special auction was held for the sale of Derek and Jeannie's possessions; it took place over two days in April 1997. Both readers and collectors made their way to the auction to see if they could keep a small piece of the inheritance that Derek and Jeannie had left them.
The Morrab Library is at located at:
Morrab Gardens,
Penzance, TR18 4DA
01736 364474
It is a charity funded through membership and donations and run by volunteers.
It is open:
Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
By prior appointment only for Tangye papers on Tuesday or Friday.
Access to Tangye Archive :
£5 daily membership
Several of the Trustees of Oliver land were also there and they secured specific items; namely notes made by Derek in preparing to write his books and a scrapbook of some of Derek’s first newspaper articles when he was a journalist amongst many others. One very precious item was the Garden Log book in which Derek had first started to keep a diary of their daily life at Minack; details of the flowers and vegetables they grew and in which field or meadow they were grown. He also listed the price of buying and selling seeds, fertiliser, bulbs, plants and potatoes; the weather, plans for each season and so on.
The bidding for the Garden Log Book started at £50 and rose steadily, finally selling for £850! A treasure of Minack and the early days.
The Morrab Library agreed to hold this, along with many such items, in keeping, for the Trustees.
The purchase of these items was to ensure their safety and continued existence for they represented a special place in the preservation of Derek and Jeannie's life at Minack. The crowds at the auction house ove those two days were phenomenal and included TV, Radio and press coverage.
Today, readers and fans can visit to see these items. Also stored at the Morrab Library are letters (purchased and loaned to the Tangye Collection by a private donor) written to the Tangyes by Raleigh Trevellyan, Howard & Marilyn Spring as well as an invoice for the magnificent photos, of Jeannie, by Baron, acclaimed photographer of their time.